Friday, March 28, 2014

Happy Pants

Today was a great day at the clinic, probably the best day we have ever had here!
Bella woke up happy, and was so dang cute and sweet the whole time at her appointment.
One of her doctors, Dr. Fair, asked if Bella could "please wear her happy pants" the next time we came in...
on Tuesday when we went in she was kinda sassy and awnry (we went in on Tuesday this week instead of Monday).

So when I got her dressed today I told her that her pants I was putting on her were called her 
"happy pants"

She thought it was so funny, and kept singing "happy pants, happy pants".
When she saw Dr. Fair she automatically told him she had her "happy pants" on and did a little dancing while saying it...
it was THE cutest thing.

She was happy, giggling, joking around, and just overall being herself.
To top it all off, her levels came back and looked great!
Her RBC was pretty low, low enough that normally they would have transfused her,
but her RETIC (which shows if her body is making immature red blood cells) was SUPER high...
it was at 94, which is almost doubled from what it was the last Friday (55).
This shows us that her body is telling the bone marrow that it needs to produce more RBC's 
since her RBC is super low, and that's why it jumped so high-which is good.
Now her body just needs to keep them, and they need to mature into red blood cells.

We need to watch her carefully this weekend, but they are hopeful that her body will respond and she will be fine.
Her platelets were maintaining at 14, and her neutrifill count was up slightly again to .9.
Hearing all of this was so refreshing and just reassuring.
Monday will hit her (1 month) mark, and so far so good on her not needing any transfusions!

This little pink car was parked outside the clinic door when we left, and she HAD to have a ride...
we rode down the hallway, picked up some fruit snacks from the vending machine, and she couldn't have been happier in her "happy pants"!

These clinic visits have become fun for her, she feels comfortable and is happy to be there.
I have tried my hardest to make it that way for her, and I love seeing her smile while we are there.
I love seeing her interact with the doctors and nurses.
I love her little spirit and the brightness that she brings to everyone around her.
That combined with her "happy pants" is a recipe for perfection!
Love her.

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